Understanding Islam

Forced Marriage & HBV
Cultural Diversity
Understanding Islam
Engaging with Ethnic Minority
Challenging Racism

Understanding Islam

Understanding Islam and Challenging Islamophobia

What is it about?

Aim– The purpose of the training is to give participants improved understanding of the basic tenets and teachings of Islam, greater awareness of the extent and impact of Islamophobia within Wales, and increased skills and confidence in challenging and dealing with both Muslim and Islamophobic clients, particularly young people.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course participants will:

  • Understand the basic tenets, teachings and practices of authentic Islam
  • Explore and clarify misconceptions around cultural practices, gender roles, and the concept of ‘jihad’.
  • Be able to recognize how negative stereotypes of Islam link to Islamophobia and its impact on victims as well as best practice in providing support to these victims.
  • Consider different ways of preventing and challenging Islamophobia
  • Understanding of the issues of radicalisation and extremism, and knowledge of referral routes to relevant agencies
Who is it for?

This training is suitable for anyone working or living in a diverse community setting, wanting to learn more about Islam and its practices amongst the daily lives of Muslims living in Wales. It is useful for anyone who wants to promote equality, tolerance and harmony and work to eliminate discrimination, but lacks the specific knowledge to counter misinformation. It is particularly useful for those working with young people within Wales.

Why should you attend?

This course assists in enhancing staff awareness of the basic teachings of Islam. This course increases community cohesion and tolerance towards the diverse ethnic minority community. When working with young people or diverse communities, this will help you to identify those at risk of Islamophobia and discrimination and provide you with best practice examples in supporting them. The course is delivered in an interactive, experiential and engaging style which will ensure knowledge is retained.

For booking and costs, please contact info@eyst.org.uk

Understanding Islam and Islamophobia - Training Services - EYST - Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales